My wife, Amber, encouraged me to start my very own blog. I guess she thought that sense I spend so much time thinking, reading, dreaming and talking about hunting, I might as well blog it. We'll see how it goes....
I'm hoping it will help to keep me motivated about getting in shape for the up coming sheep season which will open Aug. 10th. The past 5 years this is when I've always started to get focused about getting in shape and losing those holiday love handles. Lets just say there is a little more to grip on the handles this year. I haven't completely quit working out since my last hunting trip, which was early Nov., but I've only been hitting the gym a couple times a week since then. That doesn't work to well when your idea of a light snack is 7-8 cookies(variety doesn't matter as long as they have sugar in them and they are round, honestly they don't even have to be round) So, I started on Monday 1-12-09 back to my sheep hunting routine, hard carido workout of 30-45 min. a day. Also cutting back on the cals, trying for roughly 2000 a day to get started. The diet will vary as I like to eat A LOT but I also really like to workout hard so they seem to even each other out over time and I will lose weight slowly and be in great shape by the time hunting season rolls around. That's the plan anyway. Speaking of the weight I officially hit the scales at 245lbs on the hoof this morning at the gym. Man, that sucks to put that down in writing but its the truth. I like to be heading into the mountains at 220lbs or less. I'm 6'2" by the way for anyone that doesn't know me, I know that anything less than about 190lbs for my height is obese but I can't even imagine me at less than 200lbs, I look like the walking dead. Anyway here's the start to 2009, sheep season here we come!
BTW....this picture is from 2006 with my best sheep to date (Sheep 160B& at a slim and trim 215lbs!)